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Donna’s Mission

Personal tragedy can sometimes give birth to a greater purpose. For Donna Shioya, founder of LifePath Law, a family crisis rooted in a poorly managed estate plan sparked a passion to protect others from similar heartaches.

Witnessing her family’s turmoil due to insufficient estate planning for her grandparents, she recognized a desperate need for transparency, clear communication, and empathetic guidance within the realm of estate planning. This ignited a personal mission to establish LifePath Law.

Donna’s approach to estate planning is informed by her experiences, where she sees every client’s journey as an opportunity to prevent unnecessary conflict and confusion.

By engaging in thoughtful dialogue and offering expert advice, she helps clients create comprehensive and clear estate plans that respect their wishes and protect their loved ones.

Her mission is to ensure that your estate planning journey is not a path walked alone, but a journey shared, understood, and compassionately guided.


Donna and LifePath Law have done a great job of making a tedious task into an enlightening process.

—Jeffrey Yee